Monday, April 25, 2011

Hurricane Assurance Programs

Sidram Power generator assurance programs can ensure the safety and comfort of your business or organization in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency. We can provide peace of mind by ensuring that your temporary power needs will be met during a natural disaster or other emergency.

Sidram Power specializes in providing temporary power equipment for natural disasters and other emergency situations. Because of our strategic location in the South Florida area, we have extensive experience in this area. We can provide complete, turnkey solutions for your emergency backup needs. Our generator assurance programs can provide peace of mind for businesses and distaster-relief agencies in the event of an emergency. Our generator assurance plans guarantee that the necessary number and type of generators required during your emergency situation will be available.

At Sidram Power, we have extensive experience in the areas of temporary generators, temporary power distribution systems, temporary lighting and temporary climate control equipment. This experience gives us a unique ability to meet your temporary power needs in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency.

Our generator assurance programs provide a generator guarantee in case of natural disaster. In exchange for a small monthly retainer fee, Sidram Power will guarantee that your generator needs will be met during a natural disaster or other emergency situation. A generator assurance plan reserves the number and type of generators you require, and ensures that they will be delivered to your site immediately in the event of an emergency. Once delivered, you pay only the normal rental fees for the equipment.

The time to arrange a generator assurance plan is now. Generator equipment quickly becomes scarce or non-existent during a large-scale natural disaster or other emergency . A generator assurance plan from Sidram Power can ensure the availability of generator power, as well as protect you from price-gouging that sometimes take place during emergency situations. Sidram Power has provided generator assurance to some of the most-recognized agencies in the area of natural disaster relief.

In the event of an emergency, Sidram Power can move your equipment to your site immediately, and provide licensed, experienced technicians onsite for installation, maintenance, refueling and monitoring. Our technicians are available to remain onsite to ensure proper operation of your equipment throughout the emergency.

Our equipment is subjected to regular maintenance, preventive maintenance and quality control checks. This helps to further ensure that your emergency equipment will operate safely and efficiently during your emergency situation. We take this area of our business very seriously, and have made a major commitment to providing safe and well-maintained generators and power distribution systems for natural disasters or other emergencies.

So whether your needs are for a single generator or a network of generators with a complete temporary power distribution system, call Sidram Power for a quote today. Our expert staff can help you to develop a generator assurance plan for natural disasters or other emergencies, and provide an immediate price quote for your plan. If you prefer, simply fill out our convenient online quote form for a prompt, cost-competitive quote.

Toll Free 888 574 3726 - Local 954 989 8898 - Fax 954 989 8897

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Data Center

Sidram Power has a new, upgraded data center!  As providers of power generators and portable AC we need to have our inventory data available no matter the conditions 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Now your Sidram Power Sales Representative can place your order on site with an iPad!