Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Need a Transformer?

Sidram Power offers transformers for all of your event needs. Here are just a few!
75 KVA Transformer. This unit has a PRI range of 480, 240 and 208 with load side being 208 3 phase. This one units will preform the task of 4 transformers.
75 KVA Transformer. This unit has a PRI range of 480, 240 and 208 with load side being 208 3 phase. This one units will preform the task of 4 transformers.
45 KVA ISO transformer  

45 KVA ISO and step down transformer
75KVA 480v Pri - 208 Sec

2KVA transformer. 220v to 110v or 110v to 220v Use this for 110v on cruise ships or 220v when bands come from Europe.  

For more information on any of our transformers, visit our website!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Light Towers and General Area Lighting

Sidram Power specializes in supplying temporary lighting solutions. Whether your needs are for a single light tower or lighting for a large outdoor event, we have the experience, personnel and inventory to meet all of your lighting needs. Sidram power also specializes in portable generators, temporary power distribution and climate control, which allows us to furnish a complete, turnkey package for your particular application. Our lighting offerings include:
  • Festival lighting
  • Lighting for broadcast events
  • Area lighting for events
  • Light towers
  • Lot lighting
  • Merchant lighting
  • Large area lighting
  • Glow bugs
  • Basic stage work light
  • Nightime construction lighting
Our experienced staff is available to help you in choosing the proper equipment for your lighting application. We can help you specify size and type of lighting and the amount of total power required for your equipment. 

In addition, we can assist you in planning a temporary power distribution system. We can supply our services locally in the South Florida area as well as throughout the rest of the United States. So call Sidram Power today to discuss all of your temporary lighting needs.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Custom Manufactured Equipment

Sidram Power specializes in the design and manufacture of custom equipment for shows, events, festivals, film and broadcast events. Sidram Power has had experience with manufacturing custom equipment for many different applications. Sidram Power can supply custom manufactured equipment for customers located in the South Florida area, the rest of the US, South America, the Caribbean or throughout the rest of the world.
  • Power distribution
  • Load centers
  • Metal cable ramps
  • Custom shipping carts
  • Tent walls for HVAC
We can apply our extensive experience in rental and sales of temporary generators, temporary lighting, temporary climate control and temporary power distribution equipment to the specification, design and manufacture of your custom equipment. Sidram Power has supplied custom manufactured equipment to some of the most prominent names in the entertainment industry, including:
  • Disney
  • MTV
  • Royal Caribbean
  • Miami Heat 
For more information on custom manufactured equipment, visit our website

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fun Facts about Power and Energy

Power and energy are integral parts of our daily lives. Yet sometimes we overlook just how much energy we use each day. Here are some fun facts about power consumption in the US!

  • The amount of energy Americans use doubles about every 20 years. Electricity consumption is expected to increase 45 percent by 2030, according to the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration (EIA).
  • Temperature controlling homes (heating and cooling rooms) consumes the most energy in American homes each year. 
  • If 10,000 schools turned off their lights for one minute it could save $81,885.
  • 20% of the electricity in the USA is produced at nuclear power plants. 

Here is a chart of average consumption figures for small household appliances.

ApplianceTime in usekilowatt/hours
used per year
Aquarium24 hours/day700
Central air conditioning12 hours day,120 days/year2700-3780
Clock24 hours/day36
Clock radio24 hours/day44
Clothes washer
(does not include hot water)
2 hours/Week31
Coffee maker30 minute/day128
Computer4 hours/day520
Dehumidifier12 hours/day700
(does not include hot water)
1 hour/day432
Electric blanket8 hours/day,120 days/year175
Fan (furnace)12 hours/day,120 days/year432
Fan (whole house)4 hours/day,120 days/year270
Fan (window)4 hours/day,180 days/year144
Hair dryer15 minutes/day100
Heater (portable)3 hours/day,120 days/year540
Iron1 hour/week52
Microwave oven2 hours/week89
Radio (stereo)2 hours/day73
(frostfree 16 cubic feet)
24 hours/day642
(frostfree 18 cubic feet)
24 hours/day683
Television (color)3 hours/day264
Toaster oven1 hour/day73
Vacuum cleaner1 hour/week38
VCR4 hours/day30
Water bed (no cover)12 hours/day,180 days/year620
Water heater
(40 gallon electric)
2 hours/day2190
Water pump (deep well)2 hours/day730 

While power and energy are imperative in our daily lives, Sidram Power reminds you to use it wisely and conserve energy whenever you can!

Source: Energy Aware